SMEs Go Digital
SMEs Go Digital is the IMDA program that was announced at Budget 2017, ‘to help SMEs build stronger digital capabilities to seize the opportunities for growth in the digital economy. Building on the foundation of Enhanced iSPRINT, SMEs Go Digital takes on a more structured and inclusive approach towards the adoption of digital technologies by SMEs’.
Many solutions are
pre-approved and SME Software Solutions is a partner of several solution
providers. Even for tailored solutions that you need, grants are available.
We can help you finding out how you can benefit from the SMEs Go digital program. Our consultants are happy to meet with you and explore the possibilities that your company has.
Now PIC and ICV have
ended, many companies believe ‘there are no more grants’.
That is not true!
The Singapore government has earmarked S$ 600 million to help SMEs. However, instead of generic measures and grants, the subsidies are now allocated to specific targets, industries and business function
That means – more than
in the past – you need to know the way to get funding for your business
improvement initiatives.
We can help you with
Our consultants are
happy to meet with you and explore the possibilities that your company has.
CDG stands for Capability Development Grant and is a grant to – as the name indicates – develop capabilities in an SME.
The grant can be used to develop a wide range of capabilities from Financial Management, Service Excellence, Business Excellence to Technology Innovation. Full information can be found here CDG.
SME Software Solutions has built up valuable experience over the last couple of years working with SMEs on projects (partly) funded by a CDGrant. So on one hand we will support you with building your efficiency, effectiveness and productivity while at the same time we have the expertise to support your grant application and get the project funded with a CDGrant.